Advertisement Policy
At TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences, we are committed to maintaining the academic integrity, impartiality, and objectivity of the content published in our journal. We recognize the role of advertisements in supporting the journal's operations and providing valuable resources to our readers, but we strive to ensure that all advertisements align with the principles of academic rigor and professionalism.
Types of Advertisements Accepted
We accept advertisements that are relevant to the scientific, academic, and pharmaceutical communities. These may include:
- Advertisements for pharmaceutical products, medical equipment, and healthcare services.
- Announcements for academic programs, conferences, seminars, or workshops related to pharmaceutical sciences.
- Advertisements from educational institutions or professional organizations in the field of pharmaceutical research and healthcare.
Advertisement Approval Process
All advertisements are subject to editorial approval. The journal reserves the right to reject or modify any advertisement that does not meet our standards or that conflicts with our ethical guidelines. Advertisements will be reviewed for:
- Relevance to the journal’s readership.
- Adherence to professional and ethical standards.
- Clarity and accuracy of the information presented.
Separation of Editorial and Advertising Content
To maintain editorial independence, all advertisements will be clearly distinguished from editorial content. Advertisements will be placed in designated sections of the journal, ensuring that there is no confusion between editorial content and commercial promotions.
Ethical Considerations
We will not accept advertisements that:
- Mislead or deceive readers.
- Promote products or services that are not scientifically valid or are contrary to established academic or medical guidelines.
- Violate intellectual property rights or infringe upon copyrights.
- Promote biased or unbalanced information regarding pharmaceutical products, research, or treatments.
Advertisement Placement
Advertisements may appear in the online and print versions of the journal. We offer various options for placement, including banner ads, sidebar ads, and dedicated sections for conference or product announcements. Specific guidelines for ad dimensions and placement will be provided upon request.
Rates and Terms
For more information regarding advertisement rates, terms, and placement options, please contact us at Our team will provide you with detailed information regarding pricing and available advertising packages.
TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences assumes no liability for the accuracy, content, or claims made in advertisements. Advertisers are fully responsible for ensuring that their advertisements comply with all relevant legal and regulatory standards.