Deposit Policy

Deposit Policy

TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to ensure the long-term preservation, accessibility, and availability of the research published in the journal. This Deposit Policy outlines the practices and guidelines for authors and the journal regarding the archiving, storage, and accessibility of articles.

  1. Archiving of Published Articles
  • All articles accepted and published in TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences will be archived digitally in the journal’s repository and in several external databases to ensure permanent accessibility.
  • The journal uses DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to ensure each article is permanently linked and easily retrievable across platforms.
  • Published articles will be available through the journal’s official website and will remain freely accessible under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, allowing anyone to access, share, and reuse the content with appropriate attribution.
  1. Institutional and Third-Party Repositories
  • Authors are encouraged to deposit their articles in institutional repositories or any other publicly accessible third-party repositories, such as PubMed Central, upon publication.
  • Authors are permitted to upload the final, peer-reviewed version of the manuscript to such repositories. In this case, proper citation of the original publication in TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences should be included.
  • The journal supports self-archiving and provides authors the right to deposit their accepted manuscripts in institutional or subject-specific repositories without restrictions.
  1. Open Access and Repositories
  • As part of the journal's commitment to open-access publishing, all published content will be available to readers without any subscription fees, and authors are encouraged to deposit their articles in open-access repositories.
  • The journal also supports the deposit of articles in repositories such as arXiv, bioRxiv, and other subject-specific archives, with no embargo periods.
  1. Data Availability
  • Authors are encouraged to share any research data, supplementary files, and materials used in their study. Where applicable, authors should deposit their data in recognized open-access data repositories, such as Dryad, Zenodo, or Figshare.
  • Authors are required to provide links to datasets and ensure that data sharing complies with any legal or ethical guidelines regarding privacy and confidentiality.
  1. Long-Term Digital Preservation
  • TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences is committed to the long-term digital preservation of all published content. The journal partners with trusted digital preservation platforms to ensure that the content remains accessible to the global research community for future use.
  • Articles will be archived and preserved through the journal’s partnership with external databases and digital preservation networks.
  1. Withdrawal and Retraction of Articles
  • In cases of retraction, the retracted article will be permanently archived, and a retraction notice will be issued, explaining the reason for the retraction.
  • Articles that are withdrawn before formal acceptance will not be archived or made publicly available.
  1. Rights to Deposit
  • Authors retain the right to deposit their accepted manuscript in institutional or open-access repositories, provided that they follow the proper citation and acknowledgment process and ensure that the article has been published in TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  1. Ethical and Legal Considerations
  • Authors must ensure that they have obtained the necessary permissions to deposit content in repositories, especially if it involves third-party data or images. All content uploaded must comply with copyright laws and the ethical guidelines of the journal.
  1. Versioning of Manuscripts
  • Authors are encouraged to submit the final accepted version of the manuscript or the published version in repositories. If the article is updated after publication (e.g., corrections or amendments), the most recent version should be deposited.