Copyright Grants & Ownership Declaration Policy

Journal Publishing Agreement and Copyright Policy

At TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences, we are committed to the ethical and transparent management of intellectual property and the protection of both authors' and readers' rights. This Journal Publishing Agreement outlines the responsibilities of authors and the rights of the journal with respect to copyright, publication, and distribution of the manuscript.

  1. Copyright Ownership
  • By submitting a manuscript to TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences, authors agree to transfer the copyright of their published article to the journal upon acceptance for publication. The copyright transfer is essential for allowing the journal to publish, distribute, and promote the article.
  • Authors retain the right to use the content of their work, including the ability to reproduce, distribute, and display it in other contexts, but the journal holds exclusive rights to distribute the article via its official channels once it is published.
  • Authors are granted the right to share their work publicly under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows others to copy, distribute, remix, and build upon the work, provided that the original authorship is credited.
  1. License to Publish
  • Open Access: TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences operates on an open-access model. All accepted articles will be freely available to readers, without any subscription or payment required, immediately upon publication.
  • Creative Commons License: Articles published in the journal are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This means that anyone is free to use, share, and adapt the work for any purpose, even commercially, as long as proper credit is given to the original authors.
  1. Authors' Rights
  • Self-Archiving: Authors are allowed and encouraged to deposit their manuscripts in institutional repositories or other public databases. The final published version of the manuscript can be shared with proper citation and in accordance with the CC BY license.
  • Future Publications: Authors have the right to publish their work in other journals or books, provided that proper citation of the original publication in TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences is given.
  1. Manuscript Submission and Peer Review
  • Upon submission of the manuscript, authors agree that their work will undergo a double-blind peer review process.
  • The editorial board reserves the right to make changes to the manuscript as required, which could include minor formatting or grammatical changes, while preserving the integrity of the work.
  • If any corrections are suggested by reviewers, authors are expected to address these revisions and resubmit the manuscript for further review, if necessary.
  1. Ethical Guidelines for Authors
  • Authorship: The corresponding author must ensure that all individuals listed as authors have made a significant contribution to the research and manuscript preparation, and all authors must approve the final version of the manuscript before submission.
  • Conflict of Interest: Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect the objectivity of the manuscript.
  1. Publication Charges
  • TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences does not charge any publication fees or article processing charges (APCs). We are committed to keeping the publication process free of cost for authors to support open-access publishing.
  1. Responsibility for Plagiarism
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is original, and any use of third-party content (e.g., images, figures, or data) is properly credited and used with permission.
  • Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism or unethical practices, such as falsification of data or ghost authorship, will be subject to rejection, and the matter may be reported to the relevant authorities or institutions.
  1. Retraction and Corrections
  • In cases where serious errors or misconduct (such as plagiarism, fabrication, or unethical research practices) are discovered in a published article, the journal reserves the right to retract the article and remove it from public access. A retraction notice will be published alongside the original article.
  • If minor errors (such as typographical mistakes or incorrect data) are identified after publication, the authors are encouraged to submit a correction or erratum for publication.
  1. Termination of Agreement
  • If the article is found to violate the journal’s ethical guidelines (including plagiarism or ethical violations), the publisher reserves the right to terminate the agreement and withdraw the article from publication.
  • Authors can request to withdraw their submission before the manuscript is formally accepted for publication. After acceptance, withdrawal requests will only be honored under extraordinary circumstances, and the authors will need to provide justification.
  1. Rights of the Journal
  • The journal holds the exclusive right to publish, distribute, and promote the article after it has been accepted. Authors are not permitted to publish the same article in another journal without the consent of TMP Universal Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • The journal reserves the right to make editorial decisions regarding the content of the article, including titles, abstracts, and formatting, in alignment with its editorial policies.